Connect to Power
Use any USB Type-C charger, such as your phone charger or a portable battery/power bank, to power the device.

Wait for Wi-Fi Initialization
Click on the button on the right side to start the device. The device will blink with 1-second intervals, signaling Wi-Fi setup in progress.
Configure in the App
Once the light stays on, open the HappyGira app, go to My Account, and enable push notifications on your iPhone. Then, tap the button to send your Wi-Fi credentials to the baby monitor.
* The baby monitor currently supports only iOS devices. Android compatibility is planned for release later next year.

After the credentials are sent, the light will blink in 1-second intervals again. If the light turns off, the monitor is ready and listening for your baby. If the light fast-blinks and then stays on, the Wi-Fi setup failed—double-check your credentials and make sure the Wi-Fi signal is strong. Try re-configure in the app.
You’re All Set
Setup complete! Your baby cry monitor is now active. When it detects crying, the camera captures a photo, and AI analyzes for potential dangers, sending you a timely push notification to check on your baby.

Still Need Assistance?
Our knowledgeable and friendly representatives are here to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have. We understand that some problems may require a more personalized approach, and we are committed to ensuring your satisfaction.